Let's remember the geological age of the earth and the constant circulation of water in nature with shorter or longer retention in glaciers, seas, lakes ...! How many times have individual water molecules, now in our body, evaporated and fallen again as precipitation? How many times and in which plants and animals have they resided in the rich geological past of the country? Where the water molecules that once lived in the dinosaurs are now located? Where are the water molecules that have passed through our body during our lives now and where were these that we just received today with food and water? Let us remember that manure, waste from barns, has been used for centuries to fertilize vegetable gardens, orchards and cereal fields! The above suggests that our bodies are built from many times recycled material!
Water properties: temperature ranges of aggregate states, chemical stability, thermal properties, irregularity of specific gravity change at 3.98 ˚C, etc., differ significantly from the properties of similar chemical compounds. Water (H2O) is most similar to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a poisonous and explosive gas. Oxygen and sulfur belong to the same group of elements in the periodic table and the molecules of both compounds contain two hydrogen atoms each. The consequences of large amounts of water on earth and the unusual properties of water in relation to similar compounds, suggest that water is intended for climate regulation and the realization of life!
Throughout the geological history of the earth, it is common to all forms of life to be built from the matter of a planet that is constantly recycled. Homo sapiens is just one in a series of a large number of species of living beings, built from the same recycled material. After several millennia of written history, man has reached the level of knowledge required for cloning! How much knowledge is needed to realize a new, at least the simplest form of life capable of reproduction? How much knowledge is built into a man (in a few tens of liters of water and a few kilograms of various minerals), capable of learning, thinking, feeling, building ...?
The richness of flora and fauna, the multitude of interdependent different life forms, and the powerful processes of evolution to intelligent species, suggest that they are not accidental! The laws of thermodynamics on the entropy of spontaneous natural processes support this suggestion!
Faith and science cannot contradict because the Creator is the founder of faith and science. Together they are two complementary parts of one whole and mutually supportive! The biblical text read in the light of the knowledge of the nature of time ("Physics of Matter"), emphasizes the importance of God's omniscience, omnipresence and impartiality! The inequality of people, wars and revolutions with seas of blood and oceans of tears witnessed by history, is not the will of the Creator but the consequence of man’s abuse of the gifted authority to rule on earth with free will.
Science explores the secrets of the material world and enlightens new generations with established facts. Faith deals with the reason for the existence of the material world and through Revelation enlightens generations about the purpose of personal existence! Faith teaches that the Bible was written by the hand of men by God’s inspiration. That is why God's inspiration is also needed to understand the biblical message (NT John 15:5-8)! Bible was written millennia ago and completed 2,000 years ago. Science is constantly advancing and allowing biblical texts to be read in the light of new knowledge!
The themes of this text are: God, reports of creation, evil in the world, original sin, the Virgin Mary, Enoch, and Joseph!
cience has the tools to explore the secrets of the material world! God is a spirit, so he cannot be proved by these tools (OT Wisdom 9:16). So there is an alternative way: indirect evidence! The preface sets out a few facts to consider. The Creator also refers to indirect evidence: "... for if they were able to acquire so much knowledge that they could explore the universe, how much easier could they discover the Lord of it all" (OT Wisdom 13:9)! The credibility of indirect evidence is testified by hunters from prehistory to the present day!
We can only know about the extra material world what has been revealed to us! God has revealed Himself that:
On the first page of the Bible, the Creator announces that He created the material world with His Word. At the end of creation, he created a man in his own image, a couple: male and female, and handed over the land to them to rule over. He addresses them in the plural as an equal couple with equal dignity (OT Genesis 1: 27-31)! This confirmed Jesus Christ in answer about dismissal letter to a woman (NT Matthew 19:8; Mark 10:4-9)! The second report describes the tradition of a prehistoric community of people in the area of Mesopotamia according to which God is in the image of man, the husband is the master of the wife, they both eat the forbidden fruit, talk to God and God expels them from Paradise. They have two sons, Cain kills Abel and goes to the land of Nod and gets married there (OT Genesis 2:1-4:17)! Whose daughter did Cain marry, if there were only him and his parents?
The answer was given by the incarnate Word of God: "No man hath seen God at any time" (NT John 1:18; 6:46)! The omniscient God knew all creatures before the creation of the material world (OT Psalm 139: 15-16; NT Paul Ephesians 1: 4). The second report of creation is a mythical tradition according to which the omniscient God declares that all men will be Adam and all women Eve! The omniscient God states that Adam and Eve will abuse the gifted free will to violate regulations but will not admit violations. Faced with the evidence, they will justify their offenses by attributing guilt to others. Adam will rule Eve and there will be hatred and murder among the brothers.
Historical reality confirms all this! Adam and Eve are mythical persons and for centuries they have been blamed for our weak will to resist temptation! This is indicated by unpleasant events where things are not expected by nature.
God has given to the creatures in His image reason to explore, free will to decide, and authority to rule on earth (OT Genesis 1:28; NT Luke 12:13-14)! He renounced the influence of gifted freedoms (OT Deuteronomy 5:29; Sirach 15:11-20). His will was for man to build the kingdom of God on earth of his own free will (OT Isaiah 58: 6-11; NT Matthew 6:32-34; Luke 17: 20-21). God has prepared everything necessary by donating the resources of nature and man only needs to add his contribution (NT Matthew 13:31-33; Marko 4:26-32). Man voluntarily opted for greed that leads to egoism, pride, envy, hatred and all other characteristics that God hates. A greedy man hates the truth, so he created stereotypes "in his own image" and based prejudices on them: sexual, racial, class, social, national...! It is common to all to divide people against the will of God (OT Psalm 14:1-3)! That is why man has turned away from God (OT Psalm 5:10; Isaiah 29:13). To the chair of Justice a man has sat down his Right (OT Isaiah 59:9)! The consequences are constant violence, rebellions, revolutions and wars. The 20th century is witnessing the destructive power of national and racial prejudices! The practice of sexual mutilation of young Eve testifies to how far Adam's cruelty goes! Instead of God's kingdom on earth, greed has achieved the "Valley of Tears"!
The omniscient Creator knew all mankind before the creation of the material world. He determined the time and place of our birth, parents, gender, physiognomy, and bestowed inclinations and abilities consistent with the plan He has with each person (NW Exodus 28:3; Jeremiah 1:5-9)! He has provided everyone with sufficient grace to be able to accomplish His plan and live happily in this world (NT Deuteronomy 5:29). Even then, he knew all the deeds we would do after birth by abusing the gift of free will (OT Psalm 139:16; Paul, Ephesians 1: 4). Their shadows are our personal eastern sin at the moment of conception!
God loves every person as a mother (OT Isaiah 49:15-16). He did not predestine anyone to ruin (OT Wisdom 1:12-14; 2:23-24; 11:24). He allows us all to become His children through baptism, without impartiality (NT A. acts 10:34-35)! Sinners who consciously voluntarily refuse repentance and conversion and die in that state despise God’s selfless gift of love: Jesus ’atoning sacrifice on the cross. In this way they close the gates of heaven to themselves (OT Wisdom 1:13-14; NT Luke 23:39-43; John 6: 37-40).
The merciful God planned our redemption in a way that He would humble Himself and take the body of man. According to the difficulty of the task and his criterion of impartiality (OT Samuel 16: 7), he chose Eve as his mother without original sin:
He found such Eve in the Virgin Mary who would be born thousands of years later in Nazareth. The Bible does not mention how Mary's parents raised her. Her conscious conversation and memory of what was said in a state of astonishment by the sudden appearance of an unknown person, indicates that she was thoroughly prepared and had already surrendered her free will to God! Mary did not know that God planned birth where children are not born. The Newborn has announced that he is not of this world by being born in the presence of only virgins persons, mother and Joseph (NT John 18:36)! By her free will, Mary made full use of the graces offered and completely fulfilled God's plan, so she achieved the dignity of ascension to heaven!
The Bible mentions Enoch who walked with God and was raised from the earth (NT Sirach 49:14; NT Paul Hebrews 11: 5-6). Joseph, Mary's husband, carried God in his arms, was his breadwinner and teacher. God has chosen a lawful father who is in harmony with his mother, to be a harmonious "Holy Family" together! The Bible does not mention Joseph's death, so it is reasonable to believe that he was also raised from the earth, as was Enoch!
The Nature of Time and Space are described on the facts. Many facts confirm that general time and individual time coexist. Numerous experimental results indicate that increased input of calories, stress, different diseases, genetic disorders etc, shorten the individual lifespan of living beings. Progeria disease proves the reality of accelerated individual aging without the influence of general time. The dynamics of the flow of individual time in various periods of life, the moment of the beginning of life and the individual dynamics of aging are explained.
Scientists have explained many natural phenomena and the laws that govern these phenomena over the centuries, but an explanation of the nature of time is still lacking. (1-5). J. Bell has suggested that the key of solution is in the different understanding of the Nature of time (1). This manuscript describes interdisciplinary facts that reveal the nature of time and show the existence of individual time in parallel with the existence of general time.
The expression “Time” denotes the series of changes of any physical characteristics of the Matter. Changes are observed by consequences: change of position, speed, direction, electric charge, impulse, mass, etc. The consequences of changes create our impression of time: the shifts of day and night, the seasons, the birth, aging and dying of leaving beings. The definition of a unit of time changed and always denoted the duration of the chosen physical change. Time has a constant scalar value and only one vector - the future, and they cannot be influenced in physical reality. Therefore, time does not belong to the same family of dimensions to which the dimensions of space belong.
Time (as well as colors) is not a physical reality but only a psychological impression caused by physical causes! The sequence of changes is irreversible because each new change increases the sequence of previous changes by another. That is why time in physical reality has only one direction!
The changes of the physical characteristics of the Matter occur on two levels:
The beginning of general time and space is the moment of the creation of all matter in the form of a giant energy of primordial temperature in infinitesimal space. Matter expanded and cooled, which created the conditions for the conversion of energy into fundamental particles that make up nucleons and these atoms. Temperature is an indicator of the course of space time, from the "big bang" to the current value of background radiation.
Changes in the state of physical properties are of different frequencies: chemical reactions, radioactive decays, metabolic processes, star explosions. They occur exclusively individually, although several identical and diverse individuals may participate in them. That is why individuals of inanimate matter and living beings have their individual times, which are parallel to general time!
After the formation of a diamond crystal, the existing physical properties do not change until the next event of change, which can occur after thousands of Earth years. During this time the diamond crystal does not change and its individual time dilates even though the crystal participates with its nucleons in general time. By mixing the equivalent masses of acid and base, salt and water are formed. At the same time, the molecules of acid and alkali disappear and their individual times end. At the same time, the individual times of the newly formed salt and water molecules begin.
Every cosmic body has changed since its inception and it is their individual time. The total matter of the universe has been in constant change since its inception and therefore the universe as a whole also has its individual time and it is equal to general time!
Fatigue of material in the technical field is a result of an accelerated individual aging of machine parts exposed to mechanical and thermal strains as compared to spare parts in storage.
The dynamics of metabolic processes in living beings determines the dynamics of their individual flow of time, which we observe by the changes we call “aging”. A young plant is always different from an old one, a newborn from its parents even though the nucleons in their bodies are just as old. Newborn babies are still born as young today as in the days of Noah or Abraham, even though the nucleons in their bodies are thousands of years older.
Numerous studies in animals and humans suggest that reduced calorie intake has a beneficial effect on health and life expectancy and vice versa (6-24). Obese people are more likely to get diseases that accompany the aging process and die more often (18-24). People exposed to stress get sick more often and age faster than people with normal metabolism (25-29). UV rays stimulate the development of skin cancer and skin changes characteristic of aging processes (30-31).
Progeria disease proves the reality of accelerated individual aging, the accelerated flow of individual time of sufferers (32). The faster aging of these patients than the healthy population proves that general time does not affect individual times.
Each person’s time begins with the first event that starts a new person’s time. That is the moment when the sperm penetrates the egg. From that moment each person exists throughout life in the dynamic continuity of their personal dimension of time. The dynamics of metabolic processes affect a person’s individual time. Children change faster than older people. It is known that the disease in young children develops faster than the same disease in the elderly. Our personal time throughout life is not uniform, it flows faster in childhood than in old age and flows faster when we are sick than healthy. A diseased organ ages faster than a healthy part of the body.
The metabolism of hibernating animals is much slower during hibernation than in the summer months, so their individual time in hibernation is slowed down! The rings of the trees show that the metabolism is slower during winter dormancy than in other seasons, so in winter the individual time of the trees is also slowed down. Deep freezing of the embryos of living beings stops their metabolic processes and dilates their individual times!
These are just some of the many examples of the parallel existence of individual and general time, as well as the reality of the relativity of individual time in physical reality.
The term "space" denotes the three-dimensional environment of the existence and action of matter. All three dimensions of space are determined by scalar values and with two opposite vectors. In the spatial dimensions, we can move arbitrarily with the chosen vector and the chosen scalar value. This is possible because space is a physical reality as opposed to time which it is not!
Matter creates space around itself by the action of all its physical properties. The range of action of these properties determines the size and properties of space. The physical properties of matter create fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational, etc.) that propagate around matter at the speed of light regardless of the speed of motion of the substance itself. How matter creates a field by the action of its physical properties is shown by iron sawdust around various forms of magnets and electric current conductors.
The space is neither static nor homogeneous. Every change in the physical property of matter changes the properties of the space around matter. It occurs at the speed of change of the physical property and propagates in a spherical wave at the speed of light. It is known that the dynamics and intensity of eruptions in the sun affect the surrounding area.
The space can be compared to the sea. Just as a strong wind raises large waves at sea and the breeze ripples it only slightly, so the intensity of the change in the physical property of matter is much stronger in the immediate vicinity of the source of change. The intensity of the action of change weakens with distance from the source of the event because it is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the spherical wave. The proof is Coulomb's and Newton's laws.